After a considerable
experience in the trade of coffee and an employment
in the trade of furnishings for shops, in 1985 Egidio
Uguccioni founded Crearredo
Rimini Srl, with the aim of selling furnishings
created by following the industrial concept.
In the past the production of equipment and furnishings
was a prerogative of craftsman companies. However,
the years elapsed, and thanks to a continuous technologic
evolution, at the end of the 60s, a new ideology caught
on: the ideology of producing furnishings following
the industrial concept. In the course of the years
the market accepted this ideology and understood its
contents of quality, reliability and economic competitiveness.
Nowadays Crearredo Rimini Srl
is composed by a team of people always updated. They
constantly follow the evolution of time by a continuous
updating of technologies. Moreover they focus on the
assiduous research of new materials for aesthetic
and functional solutions suitable for the real needs
of both environment and customer, in order to always
offer a wider and more integrated service.